FaiRodis Jewelry and Hair Brand virtual fashion creations
This web-site presents our creations for virtual worlds.
What Second Life is?
“Second Life is one of most significant invention of XXI century and by it’s meaning for people can be compared to invention of wheel or Internet.” – FaiRodis Aviatik head of FaiRodis Jewelry and Hair Brand.
Technicaly it’s platform that gathered talented and inspired people to virtual community and gives them ability to create and use benefits of other’s creations in many areas of absolutely real life (art, fashion, education, gaming, science research, computer science and even buisness) Thanks to that fact that virtual economy integrated to this platform, creators could get money for their benefits by selling their creations at SecondLife Marketplace or at their own shops in-world.
What we create for virtual worlds?
Our team over 10 years make people happy with our virtual fashion that includes: 3d-jewelry, 3d-clothes, 3d- hairstyles and much more 3d-creations presented at pages of this web-site, at our in-world boutique and of course at SL MarketPlace.
Who our customers are?
Our customers are talented and creative people who have perfect taste and madly beloved with fashion and art. We are proud and very happy to create for such people to help them be on the top of style and create perfect and unique image!